Criminal Defense Attorney From St. Charles to Hannibal MO

Criminal Case Results

Our office serves clients in St. Charles, Warren, Lincoln, St. Louis, Ralls, Marion, and Pike Counties.

Contact Chris Today!

    Murder 1st degree (mandatory life without parole) Reduced to Voluntary Manslaughter 12 years after establishing poor investigative work had overlooked critical evidence.
    Distribution case seeking 12 years Dismissed day before trial due to uncovering state had failed to disclose clear evidence of my client's innocence. Client had been incarcerated 15 months prior to release.
    Statutory Sodomy 1st degree (up to life in prison) Dismissed after deposition of alleged victim showed someone else was the actual perpetrator. Client had been held in county jail for 9 months prior to release.
    Man convicted of low level sex offense 30 years ago facing 60 years in prison for failing to register had case dismissed and previous guilty pleas withdrawn and cases dismissed upon establishing defendant was no longer required to register. Client had been held 9 months prior to release.